DISPOSING of your medications properly is the last step in safe medication habits and can benefit your whole community. Over 90% of patients who were prescribed opioids after surgery didn’t properly dispose of their leftover medicines. Don’t be one of them!
DISPOSE of unused medications so they aren’t tempting or available for misuse by family or friends.
DISPOSE of your unused medications when the reason you were prescribed them is no longer relevant. It’s important to get rid of all those partially-used prescriptions that so many of us have laying around. Holding on to that prescription “just in case” you need it again one day is not a good idea: any accident or impaired driving charge that occurs while under the influence of drugs taken not as prescribed or taken outside the prescribed period can lead to enhanced charges, including charges of possession of controlled substances because, technically speaking, those medications are illegal.
Medication Drop Box Locations
DISPOSE of your medications at one of the many medication drop box locations in Kenosha County that you can find here. Research indicates that Lake Michigan is being contaminated by improperly disposed pharmaceuticals; don’t be a person making that contamination worse by flushing your pharma!
DISPOSE of unused prescrptions using DisposeRx, a simple home medication disposal solution that uses non-toxic polymers to permanently sequester prescription drugs. DisposeRx works for powders, pills, tablets, capsules, liquids, and patches, making them inert and unavailable for illicit use or contamination. Learn more about DisposeRx here.